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I choose not to be bothered by whining from my toddler. He’s just learning how to communicate!


Instead of this:

👤”Stop whining!!”


Try this:

✨ “It sounds like you’re trying to say, “Can I have some water?””


He often repeats what I say in the non-whining voice, but he doesn’t always. And he doesn’t have to! I’ve never asked him to. That’s not the point. I’m not looking for a power struggle.


I’m simply modelling and giving him the words for the future 💛. Our children are learning and growing everyday, and instead of admonishing him I can give him the tools/language he needs :)


👤 “But my child CAN say those things! He does have the language!” 

✨ Ok!! But he’s still learning to regulate his emotions. He’s still learning to use those words in a polite way when he reallyyyy wants something.

That takes practice!


➡️ And want to know what has started happening? He’s actually started to self-correct his language! He’ll whine a request, and then immediately follow it up with the non-whining version.

How cool!! 🥰