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Doctor's Visit

➡️ Prepare Them 

What’s going to happen at the appointment? Look it up online, so you have the info to share with your child. 


Try saying:

✨ “Tomorrow we’re going to go to the doctor. The doctor is going make sure that your body is working like it’s supposed to! He’s going to look in your ears, measure you with a measuring tape, and put on something called a stethoscope to listen to your heart!”

✨ “He might also press on your tummy and look into your eyes with a light. It won’t hurt, but it might be bright.”

✨ “You know how sometimes you stand on the scale at home? They have one kind of like it at the doctor’s too!”


➡️ Needles Hurt 

“Don’t tell them, “I promise it won’t hurt.” When they get the shot and it inevitably hurts, your child’s trust may be compromised and they could even equate going to the doctor with pain.” (Carlson, A. (2017). Tips for preparing a child for a doctor visit. Children’s Wisconsin)


💛 Want to know what happens when a chid is told a shot won’t hurt? 

They’re extremely shocked when it inevitably DOES hurt.

And then that trust goes out the window.

You told them that the shot wouldn’t hurt (and it did)… maybe that means getting their ears checked will hurt too? Maybe having their weight checked will hurt? Who knows!

They can’t trust anything you say about what won’t hurt at the doctor anymore, and that can be incredibly scary and anxiety inducing.

Honestly is best!!


Try saying:

✨ “You’re going to get a needle in your arm - it’s to help keep us safe and healthy. It’s going to hurt for a little bit, and then it will be over and we can hug if you want.”


➡️ Practice

I bring out this kit the day before a doctor’s visit.

I describe what the doctor might do and model it on him.


➡️  Name The Feeling 

Before the visit, try saying:

✨ “Are you feeling nervous? Nervous is when you feel kinda scared because you don’t know what to expect.”

✨ “I understand that you’re feeling sad, I get that. I’ll be right there with you”


During the visit, try saying:

✨ “This is new, huh?”

✨ “Would you like a hug?”

✨ “It’s ok if you’re feeling nervous, I’m right here”

“Would you like to sit on my lap?”