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Should Boys Play With Dolls?

Well, let’s reverse that.

What are the benefits of girls playing with dolls?

✨ Empathy - what a great opportunity to practice thinking from another’s point of view.

✨ Imagination - think of all the things baby can get up to! 

✨ Imitate parents - kids love to do things adults are doing. Even things like pretending to change diapers and feeding bottles.
✨ Self expression facilitated by doll play - having a tough day? Acting it out with dolls can help.

✨ Fine motor skills - dressing them and all their small pieces

✨ And more!


💛 Now why do we think those traits/skills are only beneficial for girls?


Is this perhaps the root of the issue? 👀

➡️ “Many parents still think that playing with dolls will make their son gay, as if you can “make” someone gay and as if that were a bad thing.” Crowley K., (2017). Why boys really need boy dolls. Psychology Today. 


➡️ Additionally, is it rooted in sexism where we think only women take care of children, so only girls should be “practicing”?

Let’s remember that boys are just as likely to be parents in the future as girls. Don’t we want our men to have practiced all those great skills listed above?!