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Surviving Two Under Two - Weird Tips

My boys are 18 months apart, and I swore by these tips when they were both under age two!!

Now they’re 17 months old and nearly 3 years old, so I’ve added a note underneath for how I’ve adjusted these tips as they got older.


✨ Make lunch in the morning ✨

Even making something as simple as a pb+j can seem overwhelming when the newborn baby is screaming to be fed and the toddler is hangry… and both always seem to happen at the same time 😅.

I pack a lunch in the morning for my toddler when I have a moment, so I just need to pull it out of the fridge at lunch time.

➡️ I still do this! Now I pack both their lunches in lunch boxes as I make their breakfast. We have a picnic lunch most days, so I bring it on our morning walk with us. (If we’re going to be at home for lunch, I still often do this!!). 


✨Clothes on the main floor ✨

Instead keeping the kids clothes up in the rooms, we keep them in the living room. Babies and toddlers are MESSY and my boys go through a lot of outfits in a day - it’s so much easier to be able to change them here rather than going upstairs with a baby and a toddler every single time.

You can do a dresser, bins on a shelf, inside the tv console… there are so many ways to do this!

➡️ We don’t do this to that extent anymore, but I still have a couple extra t-shirts on the main level and a dirty laundry hamper!


✨ Socks by the front door ✨

Have you ever tried to get little kids out the front door? Sometimes it can take longer than the walk itself 😅. And there’s nothing worse than realizing they don’t have socks when you’re all ready to leave.

I keep all of our socks by the front door in a basket. One less thing to worry about.

➡️ Yes! We still do this in the colder months 👏.


✨ Bassinet in the bathroom (for day-time naps) ✨

I did this tip for the first couple weeks, and it seems weird but it really helped a lot. My toddler was only 18 months old when my baby was born so I didn’t feel comfortable leaving him alone downstairs if I had to run upstairs to pop the baby’s soother back in. This was so much easier!


💛 What’s your weirdest tip?